happy feet

i love me some toms. they are hands down the comfiest shoes i’ve ever worn. so comfy i opt to wear mine for long walks instead of my gym shoes. sure, they look kind of funny. but you get used to it, and over it, for the comfort. and now they have ballet flats. i’m in love. and i can’t wait to get my hands on a pair (or two). which to get first?

katia chambray?


alessandra burlap?


natalia grey linen??



decisions decisions.

do you wear toms? will you buy their ballet flats? already own a pair? (jealous!)


6 thoughts on “happy feet

  1. Justine,
    I may be ordering a piar of these asap. I have always heard you talk about how much you loved Toms, but their style has always looked strange on me. Thanks for sharing! I will let you know if they are as comfy as you say.

    • yes, the style is strange, but you have to get used to it. but it looks like their ballet flats solved that issue! hopefully they’re just as comfy, because they are seriously comfy.

  2. I got the email about ballet flats yesterday and I have already ordered the Natalia Grey Linen!! I LOVE them and will probably order another pair soon….

    • jealous! let me know if they’re as good as their regular shoes. i need to order some asap. leaning towards the burlap since my current toms are grey – but will probably need to buy multiple pairs đŸ™‚

  3. buy the chambray or linen! the burlaps will be on their classics list, so you will be able to get them in more seasons than this one, but the others are specials this season! hope that helps!

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