pinterest challenge: fall edition

they did it again. young house love and bower power threw down another pinterest challenge. i was all over it like white on rice, since i love a good diy and i love to have the nudge to do it.

i couldn’t decide which of the hundreds of pins to be inspired by, but after wandering through michaels for a while and seeing what was available and what wasn’t, i decided on artwork, again.  i have two bedrooms that have nothing on the walls, as well as a gallery wall that could always be added to, so i couldn’t go wrong. plus, i actually pinned this artwork (two renditions) twice, so it must have been meant to be.

the inspiration:

inspiration{pinned from style by emily henderson}


though pinned on two separate occasions months apart, both inspiration pieces are by the same uk artist, sarah & bendrix on etsy.

at michaels i picked up the supplies i didn’t have at home, and then got to work.


supplies: shadow box frame, paper for background, paper for hearts (i picked up two pieces of slightly textured white cardstock for a white on white scheme), mod podge & foam brush for applying, glitter, heart punch (or you can make your own stencil, but the punch saved tons of time)

i started off by cutting a piece of the cardstock to fit the back of my frame.


(my frame was kind of weird and i need to cut notches).

i then punched a bunch of hearts out of the leftover cardstock.


after mocking up a layout and measuring my hearts, i made a grid of tiny dots where i would place my hearts.


there were a couple ways i could attach the hearts, and with some scrap paper and extra hearts i tried them out.

testing{sewing down the middle of the heart, folding and gluing along the fold, gluing one half of the heart}

sewing was too noticeable (and i was too lazy to switch to a smaller needle, let’s be honest) and i preferred both sides of the heart loose, so gluing along the fold was the winner.

like the pink heart in one of my inspiration images, i wanted to have a “special” heart. since i’m currently obsessed with gold and glitter, a gold glitter heart it was (i tried silver but the gold won my heart over, of  course).

because i wanted the glitter to only be on my special heart, i started with it first. using what was left of my paper after punching the hearts out as a stencil, i centered it on one of my grid dots.

after brushing it with mod podge (ensuring the full heart was covered, and not too thin so it wouldn’t dry super fast) i covered the heart with glitter.


after shaking the glitter off, i had a beautiful, gold, sparkly heart.


i then attached the 63 hearts i needed using my chosen method of folding in half, brushing the back of the fold with a little mod podge and centering on my dots. they stuck well after only a second and i quickly moved through the monotonous task.

after assembling my frame, i was left with my heart artwork.


i love the subtle white-on-white hearts and the touch of glam.

side view
i have to say it turned out exactly as i had hoped.

glitter heart

i heart it. (oh how i crack myself up).


now i just need to figure out where to hang it.

(yes, i do now have two pieces of pinterest-inspired art with a gold heart. i’m nothing but consistent.)

thanks again to sherry and katie for hosting the challenge to serve as a kick in the rear to get a project done. can’t wait till next time!

did you partake in the challenge? do let me know!


linked to southern lovely 

34 thoughts on “pinterest challenge: fall edition

  1. Visiting from YHL! I love this idea! I’m working on a gallery wall for my master bedroom and something like this would be awesome! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Pingback: it’s that time again | you're so martha

  3. Pingback: pinterest challenge: winter edition | you're so martha

  4. Pingback: pinterest challenge {i’m baaaaaack} | you're so martha

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