Baby Bump #2 | 34 Weeks

week 34-01

You guys, I keep getting larger (I am already 2 weeks larger than the above photo, at the time of writing). Just when I think it’s not possible, it just keeps happening. And I know it will continue to happen. It happened last time, it will happen this time. I know I’m not extra large, I’m measuring right on track, but, ugh. You can’t help but feel this way in the moment. I officially reached the weight limit I had wanted to gain, and with several more weeks left with the baby gaining weight, well, I will too. Ah vell. I’m not about to not have my sweets and cereal (as I eat a bowl and a half of Kix while writing this), what with not being able to indulge in all the holiday drinking.

I can’t believe it’s Christmas next week! It’s so exciting. And after Christmas comes baby watch 2014/2015. I really do feel like this one might come early for some reason, though if he’s anything like Henry, it’s only wishful thinking. I’m not wishing to hard yet though, I do want to make it to Christmas at least – for his sake, and mine. Time to finish the nursery and do loads of tiny laundry…

first collageweek collage_2-01week collage_3-01


week 40 {maternity book}

week 40

mr. stubborn pants is now 10 days late. however, the doctor’s are finally getting things started late tonight…hopefully tomorrow we will have henry in our arms after a smooth and safe delivery.

my last day as a non-mom so far has been spent sleeping in and taking a long shower – two things i’m sure won’t happen again for a looong time. also on the agenda: a mani and a pedi and finishing one last project for henry (a t-shirt blanket – perhaps that is what he has been waiting for??).

things will probably be a bit light around here for a bit, though i’m sure i won’t be able to resist posting a pic (or a thousand).



week 35 {maternity book}

what a great weekend i had! two showers to celebrate henry coming, with tons of amazing gifts from such generous friends and family. pics to come…

on to the latest maternity book entry:

week 35

speaking of feet – i’ve been lucky so far, for 35 weeks, but no more. the heat over the weekend brought out the sausage toes and cankles – not cool. and i think i need to take off my wedding rings, just to be safe. nooooo. i will feel so naked! i’m now going to the doctor weekly, and today we have an ultrasound – i can’t wait to see him again , it’s been a couple months.

have a great week!
