bandana bib

can we talk for a quick sec about how daylight savings time sucks? who invented this? how do some follow it and some not? will they ever change their mind and get rid of it? please? how else is my baby supposed to know what the heck time it is?


as i mentioned in my dipped wooden bead necklace post, leading up to the latest pinterest challenge i actually completed not one but two projects! yes, i was super proud of myself, and it felt good to get back into the creative saddle. it didn’t hurt that they were both super easy and fast.

my second project was one i had been meaning to do forever, and wish i had sooner, since it really was super quick:

bandana bib

i mean, look at that cuteness! totes better than the standard bibs. now he can drool in style.

i didn’t take pictures of the process really. i referred to a couple tutorials i found, a no-sew one (though i wanted it more finished) and this one with a template (but i didn’t use the template).

the process was quite simple, and you could even simplify it even more if you wanted.

1. cut an 11 inch square out of your front and back fabric (10 1/2 or 10 inch may work too depending on seam allowance and your baby’s neck)

2. lay fabrics right sides together

3. cut from corner to corner making two triangles – now you can make two bibs!

4. carefully fold one of your bibs in half, and cut an arc from the corner to the middle. marking a line first would be less nerve-wracking, but i decided to wing it. this step you can easily skip, but i wanted a little less bulk/folding at the neck. next time i might even do more of an arc; i was a bit unsure when doing this one and i don’t know if it made too much of a difference.

cutting neckline

5. unfold and with the right sides together still, pin and sew around the bib, leaving a couple inch gap unsewn (i recommend not right at the corner, it will be easier to turn).

*if you’re sewing with a knit, like my black and white fabric, i found that sewing with it on the top (flannel on the bottom) and putting a piece of tissue paper on top of it (just sew right through it) helped not stretch & pull the knit while sewing.

6. turn bib inside out through the gap so the right sides are facing out. fold in the gap seam allowance, pin, and sew a top stitch around the entire bib.

7. attach either a snap set or velcro to the ends. remember that the nub part of the snap or the rough part of velcro should be on the right side of the fabric so it faces up (not towards their neck), and the corresponding snap or velcro should be on the wrong side of the fabric on the other end. done!

bandana bib

let’s discuss snaps. this was my first time using them. and while i love the professional look of them, i, excuse my language, f’in hate the implementation of them. i bought not one but two snap fasteners, and they both blow (this one and one similar to this one, can’t find the actual one). both need a hammer, and even after banging the crap out of them, they wouldn’t attach to the fabric securely. i went through probably five sets of snaps to one to work ok, if you used it gently – until you don’t and it comes off the fabric, making it useless.  then i made a second bib for my nephew, and bam, there goes another five sets of snaps, for me to then give up and attach velcro.  but i like the look of the snap so much better, so i’m not entirely ready to give up on them yet. does anyone have any tips for how to use the tools i bought, or can recommend a different snap fastener tool?

bandana bib

and of course this was an excuse for a photo shoot, because what isn’t? a day ending with ‘day’ is an excuse 😉 (did that even make sense? i’ve been really corny lately, poor henry who has to listen to me all day. ryan just makes fun of me.)

bandana bibbandana bib

bandana bib bandana bib bandana bib bandana bib bandana bib

enjoy your day!


linked to southern lovely and trendy treehouse

16 thoughts on “bandana bib

  1. Hahahaha This is awesome!!!! My friend is having a little boy in a few weeks – this will make such a cute gift! Thanks for sharing the tutorials, I can’t wait to give it a go!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial – worked one up in a snap– get it– get it? Segue into snaps. I just use a pair of needle nose pliers. I went through the same trials and tribulations as you did and found just pressing the spikey part into the fabric, putting the other end ontop, and smooshing it closed with the pliers: BOOM! Snaps

  3. Love this! Inspired me to buy all sorts of cute and trendy fabrics to make our little Tegan some bandanas tonight. I even bought fabric that matches our dogs collars I also made. Yes! I went there.

  4. I made one of these with an 11″ square and used fleece on the back but I lost almost an 1″ of length on each end? when it was all said and done making it too short for my 16 lb boy. I am about to make another one with a 12″ or 13″ square instead.

    • My second I made 12.5″ with both sides flannel and it has given lots of room to grow. I used plastic cloth diaper type snaps on it.

    • You may have used a larger seam allowance than I did, probably a half inch when I may have done a quarter. Or my son had a small neck?? 🙂 Glad you figured it out!

  5. This is cool! Your baby is so charming and the bib perfectly fitted in him. I supposed your little kid loves that bib so much because he was just smiling from all of his captured photos.

  6. Excellent tutorial, I’m a novice sewer and was able to make 10 from start to finish in about 4 hours. My only suggestion would be to trim close to the seam before turning inside out. I used two pieces of felt and my sewing machine, while it is good, is not super high end and it laboured when I was doing the final stitch around the bib. Thanks for posting this, I’m looking forward to making many more.

  7. Pingback: Easy-Peasy Baby Gifts | little family big plains

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